How Long Does It Take To Learn Python? For Newbies!

by Mahmud Kabir - November 1, 2023 No Comments 7:30 pm

Python provides a stimulating trip into the world of programming and is a great starting place for newcomers. If you are taking a leap of faith here, it’s better to know how long does it take to learn Python.

Generally speaking, it takes 2-6 months to ace all the basics. However, you will still be a genius in Python within six months. With consistency and effort, you can have a good hand in Python within a year or two of learning. 

If you are interested in learning Python, this can be a great start. Let’s dive into it to know what it takes!

How Long Does It Take To Learn Python From Scratch?

How Long Does It Take To Learn Python From Scratch

Many people think that learning a programming language like Python takes years. But that’s just a misconception. Whereas you can learn Python in only a few months, it can take a maximum of 2 years to master the language completely. 

Unlike other programming languages, learning Python is comparatively easier to learn. Python is a beginner-friendly programming language. However, depending on your efforts and learning capacity, the learning time may vary. 

While learning Python, you need to focus on several things. If you plan on giving your best, you can complete it between two and six months. However, mastery requires more time and effort.

How quickly you learn Python leans on several things:

  • Coding Experience: Learning Python becomes more manageable if you already know how to code or have experience writing programs in another language. Therefore, if you have the basic knowledge, you can complete the rest within months. 
  • Consistency: Your consistency will bring you a fast result. You need routine practice and learning to ace everything. This is crucial for solidifying your grasp and expanding your abilities.
  • Learning Resources: You can’t settle for average if you want a fast outcome. Therefore, selecting high-quality, relevant learning resources is essential. Achieving your goals more quickly is possible with the help of well-organized courses and tutorials.
  • Individual Learning Styles: Many people can learn better through practical practice. You need to find your unique learning style. This will help you to learn fast.
  • Study Time: It’s essential to give enough time to study Python. This works as a significant factor in how quickly you will master the language. 

How Many Hours A Day To Learn Python?

How Many Hours A Day To Learn Python

Different individuals may require different times to learn Python. It’s hard to say how many hours you will need to learn it. However, on average, one to two hours a day is a good starting point for beginners who want to learn the basics of Python and its syntax. 

If your goal is something serious, like a career in Python development or data science, you might need to commit more hours to it. Besides, it’s not really a significant factor in how many hours you spend after this. 

The central fact is how consistent you are in this. Shorter, more concentrated study periods every day are usually more productive than occasional marathon study sessions.  

What Do You Need To Learn In Python As A Beginner?

What Do You Need To Learn In Python As A Beginner?

As a beginner, you need to focus on the basic specifics before you go into too deep stuff. Some of the basic things are:

  • Syntax: The first step is to learn Python’s syntax. Learning this will give you an idea about the fundamentals like indentation, comments, and how to print output to the console.
  • Variables And Data Types: Like other languages, Python also has some variables and data types. So, you need to learn integers, floats, strings, and booleans, among other data kinds. Also, you should learn variable declaration and elementary manipulation.
  • Control Structures: Understanding conditional statements (if, elif, else) and loops (for and while) are essential to go forward. You need to keep these in mind to keep your programming in a good flow. 
  • Data Structures: Learn about lists, dictionaries, tuples, and sets, as well as other standard data structures. Learn the ins and outs of using these structures to access and alter data.

You can start with the basics of Python and then move on to more complex topics as your knowledge of the language grows. There are other stuff like OOP, input and output, and many more that you need to learn eventually. 

Why Should You Learn Python?

Numerous compelling factors make learning Python a popular choice for both novice and seasoned programmers. The following are some of the most compelling arguments:


One of Python’s greatest strengths is its adaptability. Once you learn it, you can use it for many things- from web development to data analysis to machine learning to scientific computing and even automation. This language is very flexible to use in several contexts. 


Python is great for new programmers since its syntax is straightforward to read. Once you start learning, you will see that it has much familiarity with the basics of other languages. As a result of this, you can spend more time-solving problems and less time learning the language.

Job Sectors 

Python is in high demand for multiple career opportunities. People often feel fearful of this sector, so this still needs to be saturated. You can get a good spot in computer programming, data science, machine learning, web development, and many others. 


Anyone can use Python, and there are numerous resources available to help your learning. Its appeal is increased by its accessibility and the robustness of its open-source ecosystem.

Extensive Libraries

NumPy, Pandas, Django, and TensorFlow are just a few of the many libraries and frameworks available for use in Python. You will get enough stuff to read and flourish your knowledge of Python. 

Rapid Prototyping

Python is an excellent choice for rapid prototyping due to its simplicity and readability. You can use Python to turn concepts into executable programs, which is helpful for testing and developing new software.

What Can You Do With Python?

What Can You Do With Python

We are not joking; Python can flourish in every digital aspect. If you master this language, your opportunities will be never-ending. A few of the lucrative sectors are: 

  • Web Development: Web development is one of the core areas where Python is essential. Python is used here because it is compatible with popular frameworks for creating web apps, such as Django and Flask.
  • Data Analysis: Python’s Pandas and NumPy make it a popular choice for data processing, and the language’s Matplotlib and Seaborn modules provide impressive visualization tools.
  • Machine Learning: Python’s ease of use, along with libraries like TensorFlow and sci-kit-learn, can help build machine learning and artificial intelligence models.
  • Scientific Computing: Python is widely used for scientific research and complex simulations, thanks to libraries like SciPy and SymPy, aiding researchers and scientists in their work.
  • Game Development: Not only web development, but you can also use libraries like Pygame and Panda3D to create both 2D and 3D games. It also helps you to create desktop applications using libraries like Tkinter, PyQt, and Kivy.
  • Cybersecurity: Python is instrumental in penetration testing, ethical hacking, and security analysis, providing powerful tools for identifying vulnerabilities and securing systems.

Tips For Learning Python

If you are a beginner, starting Python might seem overwhelming. But you need to keep consistent with your efforts. Here are a few tips that will help you to keep going.

Be Consistent

You need to make time every day for only 15 minutes. At first, this might feel troublesome, but eventually, you will get a good track. If you keep doing it every day, it will turn into a habit soon. 

Get Down To Basics 

Before you go deep, you need to learn the language’s fundamentals. Learn the fundamentals, such as data types, control structures, functions, and variables. These are crucial for learning the language and laying the groundwork for more advanced coding projects.

Understand The Reasoning 

While coding, you need to get behind your code rather than relying on rote memorization of syntax, as opposed to simply remembering your code; understanding the “how” and “why” behind it is crucial. 


Don’t try to get it done altogether. Instead, learn by dividing content into bite-sized pieces. Microlearning has been shown to improve retention and motivation. 

Practice More

Learning is greatly enhanced by actual practice. You need to practice it every day while learning. This way, you can remember what you have learned effortlessly. 

Read Books 

If you want to understand Python in depth, you should look into books. Many books will give you in-depth knowledge. You might struggle to understand everything in the beginning, but soon it will get better. 

Is Learning Python Worth It?

Is Learning Python Worth It

Yes, Python is entirely worth learning if you are still in doubt. There are a number of compelling reasons to learn Python. It has gained overwhelming popularity due to its enhanced adaptability from web development to data science and AI. 

Besides, Python provides a wide range of employment options and marketability. Once you have the proper skill set, you can easily benefit from it. In addition, Python is a freely available open-source language with a rich ecosystem of open-source libraries and tools.

More To Know About Python 

Is Java or Python harder?

In terms of a learning curve, Python is widely believed to be superior to Java. Java is faster, but it has more complex grammar and is more complicated. Python’s robust community and numerous libraries also add to the language’s popularity among newcomers.

Which one is better, Python or C++?

Python’s understandable code and simple syntax make it a superior option for newcomers. You can use it in fields like ML, AI, and data science. Python’s lower barrier to entry and broader applicability make it a better choice than C++.

Is 2 hours a day enough to learn Python?

Two hours per day is a good baseline for getting started with a Python study. However, individuals may require more or less time depending on their capability. 

Is learning Python difficult?

Python is widely known as being easy to learn, especially for newcomers. The formulas are easy to pick up. Python’s large user base and wealth of available information make it more accessible.

Wrapping Up

Mastering Python equips you with a potent and flexible tool, allowing you to pursue a wide variety of professional interests. So, while understanding how long does it take to learn Python- know that the outcome will be worthwhile no matter what. 

About The Author

Dedicated creator and storyteller with a passion for crafting compelling narratives. A perpetual learner, finding inspiration in every experience. Enthusiast of technology, art, and the great outdoors. Striving to make a positive impact through creativity. Believer in kindness, the power of words, and the magic of a good book.

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