How To Find An App Designer? Everything You Need To Know!

by Mahmud Kabir - May 8, 2024 No Comments 4:48 pm

When you have an app idea, finding the right designer is key to turning your vision into reality. A good app designer can create an intuitive, user-friendly app that meets your needs and goals. But how to find an app designer?

Many options exist, such as hiring a freelancer, an agency, or even building an in-house team. Each option has pros and cons, so it’s important to know what to look for when choosing an app designer. Consider their experience, communication style, and ability to understand your business.

In this blog post, we’ll guide you through everything you need to know to find the best app designer for your project.

What Is An App Designer?

What Is An App Designer

An app designer is a professional who focuses on creating an app’s visual and interactive elements. They work on the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) to ensure the app is attractive and easy to use. This involves designing how users interact with the app, including layout, buttons, and navigation.

App designers also consider how the app should respond to user actions, aiming to make it smooth and intuitive. They think color schemes, typography, and graphics create a cohesive and engaging experience.

While an app designer is responsible for the app’s look and feel, app developers handle the technical aspects and actual building of the app. Together, they ensure the app is functional and appealing to users. An excellent app designer ensures the app’s design aligns with the goals and needs of the intended audience.

How To Find An App Designer?

How To Find An App Designer

If you are a beginner looking for an app designer, it can seem overwhelming at first. You want to find someone who can understand your needs and create an app that suits your business. Here are some steps to help you find the right app designer:

1. Perform Research: 

Research is a crucial first step in finding an app designer. Start by searching online for designers and firms that offer app design services. Browse through directories, portfolios, and online forums where designers may showcase their work. Pay close attention to reviews and testimonials from previous clients to gauge their satisfaction with the designer’s work. Ask your network—friends, family, or business connections—for recommendations. Personal referrals can often lead you to trustworthy and skilled designers.

2. Look at Past Work: 

Reviewing a designer’s portfolio can give you a sense of their style and approach. Look at the apps they have previously designed to understand their aesthetic and functional capabilities. Check if they have experience in your industry or with similar types of apps. This will give you confidence that they can handle your project. If possible, download and test a few apps they’ve designed to see how user-friendly and efficient they are.

3. Pay Attention to Communication: 

Communication is vital in any working relationship. When talking to potential designers, observe how well they understand your vision and goals. Do they ask the right questions? Are they responsive to your inquiries? Look for a designer who keeps you informed about progress and challenges throughout the project. Good communication ensures that both parties are on the same page and can work together smoothly.

4. Make Sure You Know What Your Business Needs: 

Before engaging a designer, clearly define your business objectives and the purpose of the app. Consider what features and functionalities are essential for your app to meet your business goals. Understand your target audience and how they will interact with the app. Having a clear plan will help you communicate your requirements effectively to the designer and guide the design process.

5. Check for Skills and Availability: 

Ensure that the designer has the necessary skills and experience to create the app you envision. Ask about their technical expertise, including the platforms and technologies they work with. Inquire about their availability—are they able to commit to your project timeline? Make sure you are comfortable with their skill set and confidence in delivering quality work within your timeframe.

6. Set Tests to See How Well the Designer Did: 

Once you hire a designer, establish checkpoints or milestones to review their work. This could include design drafts, prototypes, or iterations of the app. Evaluate the work against your initial requirements and provide constructive feedback. These tests help ensure the designer is on track and can adapt to any changes you may need. If the designer meets your expectations, continue the collaboration; if not, address any issues early to avoid bigger problems later.

Where Can I Find an App Designer: Pros and Cons? 

Where Can I Find an App Designer Pros and Cons 

Many possibilities exist for those seeking an app designer to materialize their ideas: agencies, freelancers, or assembling an in-house team. The ideal choice for you will rely on your requirements, price, timetable, and desired amount of control over the project. The pros and cons of each option will now be discussed: 

1. Agencies and outsourcing businesses

One option when seeking an app designer to materialize your vision is to collaborate with outsourcing companies or agencies. These organizations can provide a team of skilled app designers and developers to handle your project from start to finish. Here’s a closer look at the pros and cons of this option:

Pros of Hiring an Agency:

  • Access to a Skilled Team: Agencies often have a team of experienced app designers and developers who can work on your project. This diverse skill set allows them to tackle various aspects of app design and development, ensuring a high-quality final product.
  • Project Management: When you work with an agency, they take charge of project management. This means they handle the planning, execution, and delivery of the app, freeing you from the day-to-day management of the design process. This can save you time and effort.
  • Cost Savings: Agencies can often provide app development services at a lower cost than hiring an in-house team. This is because they work with multiple clients, allowing them to spread out overhead costs. Additionally, outsourcing your app development to an agency can eliminate the expenses associated with hiring and training employees or renting office space.
  • Faster Time to Market: Agencies have the resources and experience to streamline the development process, allowing them to deliver your app more quickly. This can be especially beneficial if you want to launch your app promptly to stay competitive in the market.
  • Scalability: If your project requires more resources as it progresses, agencies can scale their team to meet your needs. This flexibility can be valuable in ensuring your project stays on track and within your desired timeframe.

Cons of Hiring an Agency:

  • Lack of Control: Since the agency handles most aspects of the project, you may have less direct control over the design and development process. This can be frustrating if you want to be closely involved in every detail.
  • Communication Challenges: Working with an agency, especially one located in a different country, may result in communication challenges due to language barriers or significant time zone differences. However, many agencies have team members who are fluent in English and can accommodate clients in various time zones.
  • Potential for Mismatched Expectations: While agencies strive to meet client expectations, there can sometimes be discrepancies between what you envision and what they deliver. Clear communication and regular feedback can help mitigate this risk.

Hiring an agency to design your app can be an efficient and cost-effective option. However, it requires clear communication and setting realistic expectations to ensure the project meets your needs and stays on track.

2. Freelancer 

When you consider hiring a freelancer for your app design project, you can find several advantages and disadvantages. Freelancers can offer a cost-effective solution and a broader recruiting pool, but they may present management challenges.

Pros of Hiring a Freelancer:

  • Affordable Option: Freelancers typically offer lower rates compared to agencies since they have lower overhead costs. This makes hiring a freelancer a budget-friendly choice, especially for smaller projects or businesses with tight budgets.
  • Broadened Recruiting Pool: By hiring a freelancer, you can choose from a wide range of talent from around the world. This allows you to select the best candidate based on their skills and experience, regardless of their location.
  • Ideal for Quick, One-Time Jobs: Freelancers are a great option for smaller tasks such as fixing bugs, updating software, or making design tweaks. They can complete these jobs quickly and efficiently, making them ideal for one-time or short-term projects.

Cons of Hiring a Freelancer:

  • Difficulty Communicating: Communication can be challenging when working with freelancers, especially if they are located in different time zones or speak a different language. Misunderstandings or delays can occur without clear and consistent communication.
  • Challenging to Manage: Managing freelancers can be complex, especially if you are working with multiple individuals on a larger project. Coordinating efforts and ensuring everyone is on the same page can be time-consuming and difficult.
  • Project Departure Probability: Freelancers may not have long-term commitment to a single project, and they may leave if they find a better offer or face personal challenges. This can disrupt your project’s progress and potentially lead to delays.

3. Remote Employees Or In-House Team

When you hire remote employees or build an in-house team for app design, you gain control over the development process and eliminate some common challenges. However, these options come with higher costs and a challenging recruitment process.

Pros of Hiring Remote Employees or Building an In-House Team:

  • Entirely Autonomous Development: With a remote team or in-house staff, you have full control over the development process. You can set your own schedule, monitor progress closely, and make real-time decisions that align with your vision.
  • No Problems in Conveying Ideas: Working with remote or in-house employees allows for clear communication and collaboration. You can easily explain your ideas and expectations, which can lead to more accurate and efficient work.

Cons of Hiring Remote Employees or Building an In-House Team:

  • Excessive Cost: Hiring and maintaining an in-house team can be expensive. Beyond salaries, you may need to pay for benefits, office space, and other overheads. This can be a significant financial burden, especially for smaller businesses.
  • Other Costs: In addition to salaries and benefits, there are other costs to consider, such as equipment, software licenses, and taxes. These additional expenses can quickly add up and affect your budget.
  • Tough Recruiting Procedure: Building an in-house team requires a thorough recruitment process. It can be challenging to find skilled professionals who are a good fit for your team and share your vision. This can slow down your project’s progress and add to your workload.

While hiring remote employees or building an in-house team offers autonomy and streamlined communication, the associated costs and challenges in the recruitment process may make these options less attractive for some businesses. 

How Much Does It Cost To Design An App?

How Much Does It Cost To Design An App

Designing a mobile app is a critical step in the app development process, but the cost can vary widely depending on various factors such as the complexity and scope of the project. The design cost for a mobile app can range anywhere from $2,500 to $30,000.

The variation in costs is due to different aspects like the app’s functionality, the level of user interface and user experience design required, and the types of features you want to include. Complex apps with custom graphics, animations, and interactive elements will likely incur higher costs compared to simpler apps.

The mobile app industry is experiencing significant growth and popularity, with an estimated 257 billion app downloads projected for 2023. This trend is expected to continue, with the mobile app industry predicted to earn $673.80 billion by 2027, reflecting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.83%.

Given the booming app market, investing in quality app design is essential for standing out in the crowded app space and attracting users. While the cost may vary, it’s an investment that can pay off with a well-designed and user-friendly app.

Things You Should Think About Before Hiring An App Designer

Before Hiring An App Designer

Before hiring an app designer, there are several key factors to consider to ensure you choose the right partner for your project. These factors will impact the quality and success of your app, as well as the experience of working with the designer. Here are some aspects to think about before making your decision:

1. Collaboration and Communication: 

Clear and open communication is essential for a successful project. Look for a designer who listens to your ideas, provides feedback, and keeps you updated throughout the process. Effective collaboration ensures that both you and the designer are on the same page, leading to a smoother development journey.

2. Familiarity and Knowledge of the Platform:

 An app designer should be well-versed in the platforms you want your app to be developed for, such as iOS, Android, or both. They should understand the design guidelines and best practices for each platform to create a seamless and user-friendly experience.

3. New and Creative Ways of Thinking: 

A good app designer will bring fresh and innovative ideas to the table. They should be able to think outside the box and suggest creative solutions to enhance the user experience and differentiate your app from competitors.

4. Skill and Experience: 

Evaluate the designer’s skill set and experience in the app development industry. Look at their portfolio to see examples of their work and check their experience with projects similar to yours. A designer with a proven track record is more likely to deliver quality results.

5. The Cost of Pricing:

Budget is an important consideration when hiring an app designer. Compare quotes from different designers and agencies, but remember that the cheapest option may not always be the best. Look for a designer who offers a fair price for the level of quality and service they provide.

6. Deliverables and Timelines for the Project: Discuss the project’s deliverables and timeline with the designer. Make sure you have a clear understanding of when each phase of the project will be completed and what you can expect as the final product. This will help you manage expectations and avoid potential delays.

7. Technical Portfolio: 

A designer’s technical portfolio can give you insight into their expertise and capabilities. Look for projects similar to yours in their portfolio, and check if they have experience working with the technologies and tools you plan to use.

8. Testing and Giving Out Expertise: 

Ask the designer about their testing process and how they handle quality assurance. They should have a robust testing strategy to ensure the app works flawlessly across devices and platforms. Additionally, inquire about their ability to provide guidance and expertise throughout the development process.

9. Maintenance and Support After Development: 

The app development process doesn’t end with the launch. Consider the designer’s approach to maintenance and support after development. Will they be available for updates, bug fixes, and ongoing support? A designer who offers post-launch support can help ensure the longevity and success of your app.


What Should I Consider When Looking At An App Designer’s Portfolio?

When reviewing a designer’s portfolio, look for projects similar to your own in industry, complexity, and style. Pay attention to the quality of the designs, user interface (UI), and user experience (UX). You can also download some apps they’ve designed to test them out and see how they function.

How Can I Assess An App Designer’s Compatibility With My Project?

Compatibility can be assessed by discussing your project requirements and goals with the designer. Observe how well they understand your vision and if they can offer creative solutions. A designer who is receptive to your ideas and can provide valuable feedback is likely a good fit.

What Is The Best Way To Communicate My Vision To An App Designer?

Clearly articulate your goals, target audience, and desired features in a written brief or project specification. Use visuals such as wireframes or mockups to help illustrate your vision. Regular meetings and open communication channels ensure your designer understands your expectations.

How Can I Verify An App Designer’s Credibility And Reliability?

Check for reviews and testimonials from previous clients to gauge the designer’s credibility and reliability. Ask for references and follow up with them to understand the designer’s work ethic and professionalism. A designer with a strong track record is likelier to deliver high-quality work.

What Should I Ask Potential App Designers During The Interview Process?

Ask questions about their experience, past projects, design process, and how they handle challenges. Inquire about their approach to testing and quality assurance. Also, discuss their availability, timelines, and pricing structure to ensure they align with your project needs.

What Kind Of Support Should I Expect From An App Designer After Completing The Project?

After completing the app, expect ongoing support such as bug fixes, updates, and maintenance. Many designers offer post-launch services to ensure your app continues to perform well and adapts to user needs and market changes.

How Can I Ensure The Designer Understands My Business Needs?

Provide detailed information about your business, including your goals, target audience, and specific requirements for the app. A good designer will ask questions and seek clarification to fully understand your business and tailor the app to your needs.

Find The Best App Designer For Your Project

At Oyolloo, we offer creative design services to help you find the best app designer for your project. Our experienced team works closely with you to understand your vision and goals. We handle all aspects of app design, from creating a user-friendly interface to ensuring a seamless experience across different platforms.

We also offer support and maintenance services after launching your app. Contact us today to get started on your app design journey.

About The Author

Dedicated creator and storyteller with a passion for crafting compelling narratives. A perpetual learner, finding inspiration in every experience. Enthusiast of technology, art, and the great outdoors. Striving to make a positive impact through creativity. Believer in kindness, the power of words, and the magic of a good book.

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