How To Humanize AI Content? A Complete Guide 

by Nahian Mussarat Isha - January 28, 2025 No Comments 11:54 am

AI can write? Well, yeah. It can. But how accurately, though? 

We all know AI cannot beat human-written content. However, thorough editing and humanizing make it more presentable than a robot. So, how to humanize AI content? 

For AI content to be original and human-friendly, getting in tune with the audience is best by personalizing and adding written anecdotes with emotion. While using AI for creativity, ensure that you thoroughly review the content and, in a sense, be the final editor who refines the result. 

To some extent, this is true; AI can construct perfect sentences, but for some reason, it never overstated the argument about how organic content impacts the audience. So, to make the best use of your AI content editing, we have some ideas ahead! 

What Is AI Content?

Anything written, visual, or auditory produced by AI algorithms can be called AI content. AI tools scan data, such as OpenAI’s GPT models, and generate artificial language or content. 

AI content can be simple text, such as blog or product summaries, or it can even be more interactive, such as videos and music. These facilitate the process and make it easier for users, but AI-based creation still lacks the intelligent human touch and feels fake unless polished until you manually make content less AI.

Text is one of the most frequently used AI-generated content types, and this is the area where most AI-based models, such as ChatGPT, focus and excel. One flaw of AI is how it perceives and understands context, which leads to errors and regurgitated content. 

Furthermore, AI content has little to no emotional feelings, unlike insights unique to those of real Writers.

Why Does AI Content Need Humanization?

You must rewrite AI content to make a good impact through your content and rank (most importantly). While text generation can be done by AI fairly quickly, the lack of a personal touch, context, and creativity makes it resonate less with its intended audience. 

A perfect blend of AI and human involvement is needed to make the content more authentic. The AI does most of the hard work, such as making the content nongeneric and non-repetitive-generic and nonrepetitive, and with a little help, makes the content a metric ton more appealing to the audience. 

Simply relying on patterns available on the internet leads to bland content, which feels disconnected without firsthand access. This disconnect proves to be a core issue when using content without human supervision.

AI cannot create original content, which is one of many reasons AI content needs human supervision. AI pulls information from sources that already exist, and due to this, AI-generated content faces the risk of overlapping with already available content.  

Also, when engaging a particular audience that deserves a specific tone, AI is unable to possess that capability. Although it uses multiple data points to write an article, AI won’t be able to connect with the audience emotionally. 

However, by using a human touch in the AI-generated content, you can ensure that the audience can develop the language and tone that builds trust and deepens connections.

Do You Need To Rewrite AI Content?

No, certainly not. But you should give them a human touch; it is a must! 

AI fails to generate quality content, thus needing editing. AI text lacks creativity, emotions, and originality, which are essential in making writing more persuasive and engaging. 

Also, AI-generated content, regardless of its repetitiveness and factual inaccuracies, needs a review to be brand-aligned and interesting to compensate for its authenticity deficit. In the absence of human touch, writing, especially by AI, lacks finesse, making its connection and engagement deficient, thus misleading readers. 

A significant factor in determining if editing is required is the Google trap. The content AI generates is often literally spammed, but Google often makes algorithms too sophisticated and fails to generate content that meets Google’s originality requirements. 

An overreliance on AI content generation would negatively affect search rankings or even result in more serious penalties. Thus, AI content editing is essential since AI tools tend to issue incomplete or slightly generalized replies, making them untrustworthy content.

How To Humanize AI Content? Expert Tips

If you know how to humanize AI content manually and add a live perspective, you make selling your product much easier. However, to better humanize the content, here are some expert tricks:

Share Something Personal

Don’t be afraid to sugarcoat your product by adding a bit of narrative. Humor, personal stories, or your lessons resonate with people while selling them facts does not. 

In real life, we sugarcoat everything, so why leave the AI-written content? 

Building traffic around your content means establishing trust with your audience, and discussing your hurdles is perfect. It’s much easier to picture the writer and sympathize with their feelings than dry text.

Maintain a Suitable Hotchpotch for a Lesser Rigid AI Text 

Due to the nature of the AI script, which tends to adopt a somewhat rigid structure, it is crucial to properly use the tone. In this scenario, the tone will be more relaxed and engaging. 

Terms such as “you” and “I” will be used to improve the writing to feel more like a conversation. Have a casual talk, like when you are attempting to chat with a friend, and aim to use as many relatable terms as possible to make it soothing. 

Incorporate Good Examples to Support Your Pad AI Text Ideas 

While AI can dispense general concepts or give advice, make sure to add corrections to make it seem more human-oriented. For example, instead of saying only, “Here are the visuals you should use,” provide ideas on the actual posts or designs that will aid them in the future. 

This greatly impacts the audience by giving them insight into the approach they ought to take while making it much more interesting by adding real-life, relatable images.

Personal Touch: Switch to a First Person Edit

This is different from how AI usually drafts content, which is usually in the third person. Writing like this is bound to sound stale. However, this needs to be changed to a first-person form to give it a more human touch. 

References to “I” or “we” make the content seem quite real to the viewer. This is especially true with emails, blog posts, and anything else where the audience needs to be engaged. 

Use Humor and Personality

When trying to loosen up AI content marketing, humor or personality tends to work. A light joke or a quirk, when combined into writing, gives the content a whole new flavor during its delivery. 

It doesn’t really matter how exactly the humor is used. Be it a light pun, an inside joke, or just a simple nonchalant remark, it is bound to make the content look much better.

Evoke Feelings

Lack of empathy tends to be a large problem with AI, and this is where humans excel. Inspiring or touching content tends to evoke emotions in people, which also works vice versa. 

Recall what it was like to feel excitement, frustration, and anger. To contextualize the situation, you need to bring in emotions, and we can assure you they will make the content feel way more human.

Always Consider the Architecture

In certain situations, AI creates content that is oversimplified and repeats one specific sentence structure. People, on the other hand, are fond of persisting in making variety. This could be remedied by changing the structure or length and even adding some creative variety to the sentence. 

Combining succinct sentences with more verbose ones enhances rhythm and flow, increasing the content’s comprehensibility and entertainment value.

Use Context and Importance

Artificial intelligence may be extremely knowledgeable when efficiently utilizing vast troves of information; however, it lacks the necessary context. Current events, news stories, and cultural phenomena relevant to your material may not be considered. 

All of these factors not only enhance the content’s novelty but also indicate that you are actively listening to your audience and their needs, making it more relatable to the present situation.

Research and Revise To Ensure Precision

If there is one thing AI truly is inaccurate with, it is with AI in some circumstances. It can conjure inaccuracies or mimic concepts, so you must verify and polish the content. 

Keep the statistics, quotes, and relevant facts credible, and avoid embellishing information. Any distortions or inaccuracies should be eliminated to enhance the content’s reliability and avoid confusion.

Use Tools That Help with Humanization

One aspect that might look dull is modifying content to appeal to the target audience. In this case, it is worth resorting to AI tools that help edit materials. 

The main idea here is simple: These AI tools help to enrich the tone, change up the structure, or even tweak the content to examine it better. All such tools are quite efficient and can reduce the workforce while ensuring the data written is genuine.

Frequently Asked Questions On How To Humanize AI Generated Content

Does Google Rank AI Content? 

Indeed, content created with AI has the potential to rank on Google, but only if it follows E-A-T’s guidelines, SEO best practices, and user experience guidelines.  

Can QuillBot humanize text?

QuillBot masters advanced algorithms that convert a text to a particular tone and context to humanize unedited AI-generated texts. This guarantees human-like outputs that seem less artificial. 

Can AI detect AI writing?

Yes, AIs can sense other writings made by AIs. AI detectors are programmed to look for inconsistencies, patterns, and various other signal aspects of machine-generated content. These tools flag and categorize AI-generated content in humans’ writing, wherein AI-generated content is the source.

Can Turnitin detect AI?

With AI writing detection software, educators can now check things like writing with the help of AI models such as ChatGPT using the software Turnitin. The software will flag AI-generated text according to the writing styles and structures it has been trained to follow whenever it receives text other than that.  

How to avoid AI detection in ChatGPT?

You can avoid this by using a higher rate of perplexity and burstiness, which makes the content seem more alive and human rather than AI-generated. You could also receive further help from ChatGPT by requesting it to change certain parts of its output to make it more original.

Final Gist

In the end, as you know the keys on how to humanize AI content, you understand that generating any form of AI text is not the key; the secret to achieving desired outcomes is humanizing it more to maximize its true potential.

Thus, this is done by personalizing and toning it up, fact-checking, and database matching. For AI-generated text to be successful in ranking and engagement, the content must be focused on the intent of the users, SEO, and search algorithms. 

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