Technical SEO Vs On Page SEO: Which One Do You Need? 

by Nahian Mussarat Isha - August 19, 2024 No Comments 4:40 pm

Technical SEO and on-page SEO are the two methods that most people use to make their websites known. They may be different, but they are all equally important. 

While you are choosing between technical SEO Vs on page SEO, we have to say that there’s no one-way road. You need to pick both when you want to have the best results. 

Technical SEO is centered on website architecture and functionality. On the other hand, on-page SEO makes it all about what you offer as a content creator. 

Maybe it’s difficult for you to tell them apart. However, you need both of them in a real sense. Let’s figure out what each of them does for you! 

What Is On-Page SEO?

On-page SEO focuses on enhancing areas of your website that are under your control. Just like when you want your car to run smoothly, you have it tuned up. 

By focusing on things like keywords, title tags, and meta descriptions, you can create a user-friendly site with search engine optimization. This is why on-page SEO is so important in improving the visibility of a website through search results while also enhancing the experience of users.

This is what on-page SEO is all about: everything that goes into creating content, from the words used to the images inserted. Each piece of content can be customized for search engine results, product descriptions, and website copy. 

This includes using appropriate keywords within the text, organizing text under headings, and correctly naming photos, among others. All these will make the site more appealing both to visitors and search engines.

To put it simply, on-page SEO optimizes your entire website thoroughly. This, therefore, encompasses every aspect of this site, ranging from content quality improvement to better structure to rank higher in searches and ensure good user-experience delivery. 

Key Elements Of On-Page SEO

On-page SEO entails improving your web page’s content quality, title tags, meta descriptions, headers, and graphics, amongst others. Let’s see what you need to focus on here: 

High-Quality And Relevant Content

Content is the backbone of on-page SEO. Writing good content goes beyond stuffing keywords into your texts; rather, it’s about having something valuable to offer to your audience. 

Such content tends to attract links, shares, and a higher ranking in search engine optimization results. To become an authority in their field about this type of content, one should ensure that it addresses their audience’s concerns comprehensively. 

When visitors spend more time on your site, it means they are not bouncing off, hence reducing bounce rates, which shows search engines that there is good content available on your website. 

Meta Data And Title Tags

The first thing a person looking for your page comes across when searching is the title tag and meta description. 

An effective title tag briefs the reader about the information contained in the page using a few words simultaneously luring them in; ideally, it should bear your main keyword.

This improves its readability for both human beings and search engines. Despite meta descriptions not directly affecting how high or low you appear on any given search results list, they have a significant effect on how many people click on those links.

A Framework For Headers And Content

Header tags like H1, H2, and H3 are important for organizing content. These tags make it easier for both humans and search engines to read and navigate the page.

Thus, use your main keyword in the title of your page with an H1 tag. The next information builds upon this. Different subsequent headings (H2, H3, etc.) can be used to divide your text into sections that are more easily digestible by the reader.

This will help readers find what they are looking for. Since header tags help search engines understand the relevance of your content, they will be beneficial in optimizing keywords as well.

Enhancing Images

Images are important when it comes to improving user experience on a website. They can break down complex ideas and make articles more engaging. 

However, photos require SEO optimization as well. This entails giving your files meaningful names, compressing them so they load fast, and adding alternative text (ALT) to indicate what these images represent for search engines. 

The ALT text thus allows people who cannot see to know what is contained in the images. In user experience and search engine ranking terms, site speed matters; proper image optimization ensures that the site loads quickly. 

What Is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO aims to enhance the ability of search engines to crawl, interpret, and index websites. To make sure that search engines like Google can understand and rank your pages, you need to optimize your site structure, use clean code, and put everything where it should be. 

Good content may remain untraced and trashed if technical SEO is not up to standard since search engines won’t access or judge it properly.

Page speed, mobile-friendliness, and structured data are some important components of technical SEO. They make it easy for search engines to find out what’s on your site so they can include them in their results page when searched. 

One way to achieve this is by improving the speed at which websites load on a user’s browser and achieving good rankings from search engines. Giving more meaning to its contents which also presents rich snippets in search engine results is possible only with structured data such as schema markup.

Another aspect of technical SEO is making sure that search engine spiders easily crawl your website. This means that you have made it possible for Google bots (small computers that crawl the web) to find all your site pages. 

Key Elements Of Technical SEO

Technical SEO includes elements that search engines crawl, index, and rank your website for. You must pay attention to the performance of the site, its mobile-friendliness, how easily it can be accessed by people with disabilities, security-related issues, and structured data markup. The following are some of the elements:

How Fast And Reliable Your Site Is

For both search engine rankings and user happiness, speed matters a lot. Fewer conversions occur from higher bounce rates due to poor loading of websites- causing users frustration because of delays in displaying information about products or services.

By reducing texts, pictures, CSS files used, etc., web pages can be made to load much quicker, which in turn reduces the number of times HTTP requests are needed. For instance, compressing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files will make them smaller and result in faster loading times. 

When done with optimization, images might, however, not slow down the web pages if you can just reduce their sizes by compressing or shrinking them when saving them in jpeg format before uploading them onto your site for displaying purposes. 

Using browser caching means that some parts of your website can be accessed instantly during subsequent visits. Careful handling of these aspects would mean a faster and more efficient site that pleases both visitors and search engines.

Optimizing For Mobile Devices

Today’s highly mobile society necessitates mobile optimization rather than it being optional since mobiles currently account for over 50% of all internet traffic. To create a website that works and looks good on any device (desktop, tablet, or phone), you should use a responsive design. 

Also important are features like touchscreen readiness, which allows all interactive elements to respond to touchscreen commands without fail. Content specific to mobile users ensures that people can easily reach information that is interesting to them and loads quickly on small screens. 

This approach serves two purposes: it improves user experience while also getting better rankings due to increasing interest by search engine providers in favoring mobile-friendly sites.

Websites That Are Both Secure And Accessible

Users, as well as search engines, only trust secure websites that are accessible to everyone, including persons with disabilities. It is important to ensure data sent between your website and the user via HTTPS is encrypted because there are critical details contained therein which, when exposed, may compromise its security.

Accessibility implies that your website can be understood and accessed by everyone, including disabled individuals. It entails using the proper HTML and ARIA roles to ensure that screen readers and other assistive technology work correctly. 

When a site is accessible, it protects user data and improves its reputation in search engines. 

Enhancing the visibility of your web pages in organic queries on Google means appearing within the top-ranking list after typing words related to products or services that might need an explanation from you through written content posted online on different platforms.

Character Data

Structured information labeling is also known as CDATA structure. This is a technique used by developers to tag web pages with some characters to improve rankings in search engine optimization

These established standards offer guidance on how best to organize our content so that it becomes suitable for decoding, resulting in rich snippets appearing on our listing when searched for via various search engines. 

You may want to consider linking this information to users through rich media such as images, videos, or even interactive games. This will surely make them more attractive than those without such features, therefore increasing the click-through rate (CTR). 

Technical SEO Vs On-Page SEO Differences

CharacteristicTechnical SEOOn-page SEO
Focus Area Source code optimizationContent of individual pages
Primary GoalImprove crawlability and site structureOptimize pages for specific keywords and UX
Key ElementsSite speed, mobile-friendliness, SSL/HTTPS, XML sitemapsContent quality, keyword optimization, meta tags, image optimization
Implementation Mostly backend and server-side changesFrontend changes, content creation
Measurement Crawl reports, site auditsSERP rankings, keyword performance
Impact on Search RankingsHigh (especially for large websites)High (affects how search engines perceive content)
Tools and Techniques Crawling and indexing tools, server logsKeyword research tools, content management systems

Technical and on-page SEO are two completely different things. You need to focus on both when you want a good outcome. Therefore, here are the key differences: 

Focus Area 

Technical SEO is about examining your website’s source code and server specs. Search engine optimization aims to make a site more visible and search engine-friendly by increasing the speed of loading and checking what hosting environments, texts, or site architectures it uses.

Conversely, On-Page SEO is about details on the design and content of each page. In this case, one key objective should be to ensure that texts, images as well as multimedia presented to the user correspond with the required keywords thereby offering some value as well. 

While Technical SEO lays the foundation, On-Page SEO improves content that both people and search engines directly engage with.


The main focus of technical SEO is crawling capability enhancement for a website. This means that all your pages must be easily crawled and indexed by search engine bots if you want your site to appear in search engine results pages.

However, in terms of on-page SEO, the objectives are improving user experience and optimizing individual pages for targeted keywords. 

This process involves making websites more attractive to both human beings and spiders through compelling content that carries relevant information, including useful keyword density and optimized meta tags addressing headers or internal links.

Significant Aspects

Technical Search Engine Optimization makes websites more user-friendly on mobile devices, SSL/HTTPS secure, and has XML sitemaps attached to them. 

Such aspects become important when looking at technical performance, such as securing sites from external threats like hacks while ensuring easy indexing within various search engines.

Conversely, high-quality content, meta tags, and image optimizations plus proper keyword usage form part of On-Page SEO processes, respectively. 

All these things work together in order to improve this page for users as well as make it more relevant concerning actual search words used here. When high-quality content, optimized pictures, and strategic keyword usage are all present, a higher search engine ranking is more likely.


Technical SEO mainly involves improvements made to the server side or backend, such as changes to the site’s infrastructure and code optimization. Frequently, developers are involved in this process to check the speed, security, and technical soundness of a site.

On-page SEO conversely calls for changes to be done on its front end and the creation of fresh material. Part of these duties includes improving the layout of a website and optimizing already available content for specific keywords. 

These activities are mostly performed by marketers who work with other specialists, such as those dealing with Search Engine Optimization and writers creating articles for this website.

The Evaluation

To measure how effectively technical SEO techniques have been utilized, crawl reports and site auditing tools can be employed. Such tools help evaluate the technical aspects of web-based applications. 

For instance, they detect system vulnerabilities like hack attacks that may affect website accessibility by users besides loading speeds that take too long, thus causing search engines not to index it properly.

The yardsticks for on-page SEO are Search Engine Result Page rankings and keyword performance metrics. On-page SEO is successful when organic traffic increases as some pages achieve high search engine rankings for their target keywords. 

Many businesses use tools that monitor search engine results, website traffic, and user interaction to ascertain the effectiveness of their on-page SEO strategies.

User Experience 

Technical SEO indirectly affects user experience by improving site performance metrics like mobile responsiveness, security, and load speed. That’s why technical optimization implies making slight changes to a website so that it becomes faster, safer, and more reliable to users.

However, on-page SEO has a direct impact on the user experience by enhancing the quality and relevance of material displayed on the page. 

All these things—user engagement, ease of information discovery, and site navigation are caused by On-Page SEO. Good content is structured well and designed to be intuitive; hence it makes for a great user experience.

Effect On Search Engine Ranks

Technical SEO can have significant implications for search engine rankings, especially on big websites. The whole point of technical SEO is to make sure that your entire website is crawlable and indexable, thus allowing it to rank.

Search engines rank single pages because of how they evaluate their content quality or relativity towards viewers’ questions, making them very important in determining SEM ranking results. 

Targeted keywords can be used to improve organic search engine ranking through better on-page SEO.

Ways & Tools

Technical SEO encompasses numerous tools such as Google Search Console, crawling/indexing tools, server logs, and various site audit tools. These tools may reveal any underlying technological issues just by examining how your site is crawled or indexed by search engines.

On the contrary, on-page SEO includes using content management systems, WordPress plugins for SEO, and others like Google Keyword Planner. With these tools, content can be better optimized for certain keywords, and meta tags can be improved while still addressing user search intent.

Technical SEO Vs. On-page SEO: Which is More Important?

Both of these are critical for your site to rank well in search engines. Technical SEO, as a form of search engine optimization, is concerned with the nuts and bolts of a website, such as ensuring that it loads fast, is mobile-compliant, and has secure connections so that it can be understood and indexed by the search engines.

Also, on-page SEO concerns itself with visible texts and features such as headings, meta descriptions, and keywords. Both are compulsory elements if you want your website to perform well.

The foundation of any house is Technical SEO. Any amount of good looks cannot stop an unsound house from collapsing. Similarly, without technical SEO, search engines may not crawl or index a site properly, thereby preventing it from appearing when searched. 

Enhancing your website’s accessibility and ensuring that it is understandable to search engines are vital strides towards achieving higher rankings.

Conversely, On-Page SEO makes up the missing link to an effective, user-friendly website. The secret behind this idea lies in creating information people desire to read more about while using it in their searches as well. 

You can optimize your content for a better user experience through the proper use of headers, meta tags, keywords, etc. These are what prompt users to remain on your site for a longer time, ultimately leading to conversions like purchases or sign-ups.

How To Implement Technical SEO And On-Page SEO Together?

For your website to achieve optimal results, you must apply technical SEO and on-page SEO together. Ensure your website is technically sound before you do anything else. 

This includes fixing any technical difficulties that could impact the performance of your site, including broken links, slow loading speed, or indexing problems. You can use Google Search Console and Ahrefs to locate and resolve these issues. 

By taking care of these technicalities, you might enhance your search engine visibility and avoid penalties.

Control the technical aspects first, then start creating content people are interested in reading. Always remember who you are writing for and make sure it is helpful as well as unique. 

Titles and meta descriptions are two HTML tags that can be optimized with the help of keywords relevant to your target audience. When people read good stuff like this, they tend to share it more often, which will create backlinks for optimization purposes. Content keeps visitors engaged.

The next stage is finding a middle ground between technical optimizations and UX. Making sure these technological changes do not impede on how users interact with your website matters as much as making it search engine friendly does. 

Think about the user when designing things like mobile friendliness, the navigation on the site, load speeds, etc. Sites that are easy to use and have strong technical foundations usually rank higher in searches, and their visitors are more satisfied overall.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is technical SEO part of on-page SEO?

Yes, of course. Technical SEO is a subset of on-page SEO. On-page search optimization focuses on the content and the visible aspects of specific pages, while technical search engine optimization deals with infrastructure behind the scenes that makes it possible for search engines to crawl and index the site.  

Is technical SEO difficult?

For beginners in these topics, Technical SEO can be a nightmare. It is harder than the basics to understand some advanced topics like structured data, server setups, and even site architecture. 

When should I do technical SEO?

Technical SEO should always be established at the beginning of your every SEO campaign and updated regularly. In this case, your website should be user-friendly and free from any issues to allow organic visitors, as this will assist search engines in scanning and indexing your content correctly.

What is good technical SEO?

When you have good technical SEO, Google bots can easily crawl, index, or understand your website better. That’s where site performance improvement comes in, as well as fixing broken links or making them better and mobile usability, among others. 

Bottom Line

So, after the complete comparison of technical SEO Vs on page SEO, you know that these two factors are interrelated. Ignoring either one of these can negatively impact your entire SEO campaign, resulting in a drop in rankings and missed opportunities for organic traffic. 

Technical SEO must be combined with on-page SEO. This will ensure that your website ranks well in SERPs, as well as attract targeted users who will convert when they visit your site. 

If you want the best help in integrating all your SEO efforts, contact Oyolloo for the best support. We have a dedicated SEO team to show you a new light on your exposure! 

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